What to Expect at Your First Jiu Jitsu Tournament

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Congratulations on taking the step to compete in your first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament! The excitement and anticipation leading up to the competition can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. But fear not, I’m here to guide you through the mental preparation and expectations you should have as you embark on this thrilling journey. Whether you're a professional fighter like me or someone just starting in the world of BJJ, these tips will help you make the most of your first competition experience.

Managing Nervousness

It's perfectly normal to feel nervous before your first BJJ competition. Even seasoned competitors like myself experience pre-fight jitters. The key is to manage these nerves effectively. Recognize that these feelings are natural, and they can actually enhance your performance if channeled positively.

  1. Visualization: Spend time visualizing yourself on the mats, executing your techniques flawlessly, and having your hand raised in victory. Visualization can boost your confidence and reduce anxiety.

  2. Deep Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises to calm your nerves. Inhale slowly for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale for four. Repeat this process to help center yourself.

Preparation Before the Day

The day before the competition is crucial for ensuring you have everything in order, leaving no room for unnecessary stress on the big day.

  1. Packing Essentials: Pack your competition gear, including your gi, belt, mouthguard, and any other necessary equipment, the day before. Ensure that everything is clean and in good condition. Double-check your competition requirements and rules to avoid any last-minute surprises. Bonus tip: before you put everything in your bag lay it all out on the floor and take a picture of it, then pack it. That way if you think later “did I remember xyz” you can look at the photo you took and see whether or not it was with your stuff. You won’t have to empty your whole bag!

  2. Nutrition and Hydration: Plan your meals and hydration carefully and know what you’re going to bring with you. Tournament days can be long, and you'll need sustained energy. Opt for easily digestible, balanced meals, and stay hydrated. Avoid heavy or unfamiliar foods that could upset your stomach. Nothing new on competition day!

The Intensity

Competition rounds are an entirely different beast compared to training. The adrenaline, the crowd, and the stakes can make each match feel more intense. Prepare both mentally and physically.

  1. Extra Fatigue and Exertion: Expect to feel more fatigued during tournament rounds than in regular training. The adrenaline rush can drain your energy quickly. Train with this in mind, increasing your intensity during sparring sessions to build endurance.

  2. Adrenaline Dump: Many competitors experience an adrenaline dump during their first few matches. This is a sudden drop in energy and can be disorienting. Remember that it's temporary. Stay focused and rely on your training. Your energy will return as the match progresses.

The Importance of Winning and Losing

In the world of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, it's easy to get caught up in the desire to win. However, it's crucial to understand that the most significant competition is the one you have with yourself.

  1. Inward Focus: Your journey in BJJ is a personal one. While you may have the support of coaches and teammates, the pressure to win or lose ultimately comes from within. Don't allow external expectations to cloud your focus. Compete to be the best version of yourself, regardless of the outcome.

  2. Learning Opportunity: Whether you win or lose, view each competition as an opportunity to learn and grow. Even the best fighters have faced defeat. Analyze your matches, identify areas for improvement, and use the experience to refine your skills.


Competing in your first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament is a significant milestone in your martial arts journey. Remember that the mental aspect is just as vital as your physical preparation. Manage your nerves, plan ahead, expect the intensity, and focus on your personal growth.

By following these tips, you'll not only perform better in your first competition but also enjoy the process more. Win or lose, every match is a step toward becoming the best BJJ competitor you aspire to be.

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