What’s In My Gym Bag

Success on the jiu jitsu mats requires more than just skill and determination. Having the right gear in your gym bag can make a significant difference in your training experience. In this blog post, I'm going to take you through the contents of my gym bag and explain why each item is crucial for every Jiu Jitsu training session.

1. Finger Tape:

Finger tape is one of the unsung heroes in a Jiu Jitsu practitioner's gym bag. The repetitive gripping and pulling motions during training can take a toll on your fingers, leading to injuries like sprains and strains. Finger tape offers the necessary support to your digits, reducing the risk of such injuries.

I always carry a roll of finger tape in my bag because it not only provides protection but also helps maintain a solid grip on my opponent's gi. It's a small investment with significant returns in terms of injury prevention and better performance.

2. Flip Flops:

You might wonder why flip flops are important for a Jiu Jitsu session. Well, they serve a crucial purpose - hygiene. The mats at Jiu Jitsu academies can be breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi. Walking barefoot from the locker room to the mat can expose you to these germs, potentially leading to skin infections like ringworm.

By wearing flip flops, you create a barrier between your feet and the floor, reducing the risk of contamination. Plus, they're convenient for quickly transitioning in and out of your training gear, saving time and effort.

3. Mouthpiece:

In the heat of a Jiu Jitsu roll, it's easy to forget the importance of protecting your teeth. A mouthpiece is an essential piece of protective gear, even in a sport where most of the action takes place on the ground. Accidental bumps or falls can lead to dental injuries that are not only painful but also costly to repair. I would have lost teeth several times already if I didn’t wear a mouthpiece every time I train.

Having a properly fitted mouthpiece in your gym bag is crucial for safeguarding your teeth. It offers cushioning and shock absorption, reducing the impact of accidental collisions. Don't roll without it; your smile and your wallet will thank you.

4. The Gym Bag Itself:

The gym bag is not just a container for your gear; it's an essential part of your Jiu Jitsu arsenal. A well-organized gym bag can make your training sessions smoother and more enjoyable.

I always opt for a sturdy and spacious gym bag that can comfortably fit all my gear. Multiple compartments help keep things organized. I have a designated pocket for my mouthpiece, another for my finger tape, and a separate section for my flip flops. This organization saves me time and prevents me from rummaging through a chaotic mess of gear.

5. Electrolytes:

Jiu Jitsu is an intense and physically demanding sport. During a training session, you can sweat profusely, leading to dehydration. This is where electrolytes come into play. Electrolytes are essential minerals like sodium, potassium, and magnesium that regulate fluid balance in the body.

Including electrolyte tablets or a sports drink in your gym bag can help you stay hydrated and replenish the minerals lost through sweat. Proper hydration and electrolyte balance are crucial for maintaining your energy levels and preventing muscle cramps during long, grueling rolls.

6. Water Bottles: One with Water and One with Electrolytes Mixed In:

Staying hydrated is paramount in Jiu Jitsu, and water is your best friend. I make sure to have not one but two water bottles in my gym bag. One contains plain water, and the other is filled with water mixed with electrolyte powder.

Having both options is a strategic move. The plain water is excellent for quenching your thirst, while the electrolyte-infused water helps you recover more effectively during intense training. The added electrolytes support muscle function and reduce the risk of cramps, making it a valuable addition to your training routine.

In summary, what's inside your gym bag can significantly impact your Jiu Jitsu experience. Finger tape, flip flops, a mouthpiece, a well-organized gym bag, electrolytes, and water bottles are all essential items that provide protection, hygiene, and performance benefits. By being prepared with the right gear, you can focus on your training and inch closer to your goals of becoming the best Jiu Jitsu competitor and instructor in the world.

So, before your next training session, double-check your gym bag to ensure you have all these essentials on hand. Your fingers, feet, teeth, and overall performance will thank you. With the right gear, you're ready to roll and take your Jiu Jitsu journey to new heights.


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